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If & Were قاعدة الشرط
Galal Hasanin 24-10-2014 05:00 صباحاً
يمكننا استخدام Were بدل If في الحالة الثانية كالتالي :
1- اذا كانت were أساسية في الجملة فنحذف If ونقدم were علي الفاعل

If he were rich, he could buy a car.
Were he rich, he could buy a car.
2- اذا كانت were غير أساسية فنحذف If ونبدأ بــــ Were ثم الفاعل ثم to+inf.

Were + sub to + inf
If he studied harder, he would succeed.
Were he to study harder, he would succeed.

If she invited me to the party, I would accept her invitation. (Were)
If she were more active, she would enjoy her life more. (Were)
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