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Ancient egypt’s art treasures
Galal Hasanin 25-08-2014 02:14 مساءً

Ancient egypt’s art treasures

كنوز فنية في مصر القديمة


  • Ancient egypt’s Art treasures. [spoiler=المعني]كنوز[/spoiler]</li>
  • Egypt is one of the worlds oldest civilizations. [spoiler=المعني]حضارات[/spoiler]</li>
  • Some Egyptian art is over 5000 years old!</li>
  • Egyptian art showed Pharaohs and Queens.</li>
  • Egyptians also showed everyday life, like farming and hunting. [spoiler=ترجمة]الزراعة والصيد[/spoiler]</li>
  • Egyptians also showed animals in their art.</li>
  • They loved using bright and strong colors.</li>
  • Ancient Egyptian architects [spoiler=ترجمة]معماريين [/spoiler]used sun-dried and kiln-baked bricks, fine sandstone, limestone and granite. Architects carefully planned all their work so the stones had to fit precisely together. [spoiler=ترجمة]يتركب بدقة[/spoiler]</li>
  • The 1st pyramid they designed had steps.[spoiler=ترجمة]درجات-مدرجات[/spoiler]</li>
  • Later, Egyptians learned to cover these steps to create smooth pyramids.</li>
  • The Great Pyramids at Giza are almost 5000 years old!</li>
  • They were the tallest man made structures [spoiler=ترجمة]كيانات - أبنية[/spoiler] on earth for over 4000 years!</li>
  • The pyramids are where the Kings were buried. [spoiler=ترجمة]دفن[/spoiler]</li>
  • The Great Sphinx stands guard [spoiler=ترجمة]حارس[/spoiler] over the pyramids.</li>
  • The Sphinx has a lion’s body and a human head.</li>
  • King Tutankhamen is maybe the most famous of all Pharaohs.</li>
  • He is known as the boy king, he was 10 years old when he ruled Egypt. [spoiler=ترجمة]معروف بالملك الصبي اذ كان عمره 10 سنوات عندما حكم مصر[/spoiler]</li>
  • Tut was only 19 when he died.</li>
  • One reason he is so famous is that his grave [spoiler=ترجمة]قبر[/spoiler] had not been robbed. [spoiler=ترجمة]لم يتعرض للسرقة[/spoiler] The royal art [spoiler=ترجمة]الفن الملكي[/spoiler] was still buried with him when he was discovered.</li>
  • Many times graves are found empty or ruined by time and weather.</li>
  • These treasures included precious stones and gold.[spoiler=ترجمة]هذه الكنوز كانت تتضمن الاحجار الكريمة والذهب[/spoiler]</li>
  • Scientist have recreated what King Tut would have looked like using x-ray scans.[spoiler=ترجمة]باستخدام اشعة اكش استعاد العلماء ماكان يبدو عليه الملك توت[/spoiler]</li>
  • This is King Tut revealed!</li>
  • Nefertiti was said to be one of the most beautiful women who ever lived.</li>
  • She was King Tut’s stepmother. [spoiler=ترجمة]زوجة الاب[/spoiler]</li>
  • Egyptians wrapped their dead with bandages to preserve them.[spoiler=ترجمة]كان المصريون يلفون موتاهم بضمادامت لتحفظهم[/spoiler]</li>
  • Mummies were preserved for thousands of years.</li>
  • Their insides were taken out and stored in special containers called canopic jars.</li>
  • Every King had 4 jars.</li>
  • Egyptians also made their cats into mummies! [spoiler=ترجمة]مومياء[/spoiler]</li>
  • Egyptians wanted their pets with them in the afterlife.</li>
  • Pharaohs were buried with the Eye of Horus to protect them. [spoiler=ترجمة]يحمي[/spoiler]</li>
  • Horus was an Egyptian God who was said to have powers to stop grave robbers.</li>
  • Sometimes he is a falcon.[spoiler=ترجمة] صقر[/spoiler]</li>
  • Sometimes he is wearing the crown of a Pharaoh.</li>
  • Other times he is half man half falcon.</li>
  • Egyptians believed in many gods. Most of them looked like animals and humans combined.</li>
  • Anubis was a dog.</li>
  • But he could also be half man.</li>
  • Ammit was part lion, part hippo [spoiler=ترجمة]فرس النهر[/spoiler], and part alligator. [spoiler=ترجمة]تمساح[/spoiler]</li>
  • Egyptians believed that Anubis and Ammit would judge you after you died [spoiler=ترجمة]يحكمون عليك بعد الموت[/spoiler] to see if you made it into heaven. [spoiler=ترجمة]الجنة[/spoiler] They would put you on a scale and feathers [spoiler=ترجمة]ميزان وريش[/spoiler] on the other side. If you told a lie your heart would be heavy. If you lived a good honest [spoiler=ترجمة]أمينة[/spoiler] life your soul would be as light as the feathers and you would go to heaven.</li>
  • If you were heavier than the feathers Ammit would gobble you up. [spoiler=ترجمة] يلتهم[/spoiler]</li>
  • Scarab beetles were thought to have magical powers. They pushed the sun up into the sky every morning.</li>
  • Egyptians wrote in a picture language called hieroglyphics. [spoiler=ترجمة]اللغة الهيروغليفية[/spoiler]</li>
  • Egyptians wrote on a type of paper made from the plant called “papyrus”.</li>
  • For many years no one knew how to read hieroglyphics, until one day the Rosetta Stone was discovered.</li>
  • Egypt left a lasting legacy [spoiler=ترجمة]تركة[/spoiler] its art and architecture has influenced art throughout the world.</li>

http://www.slideshare.net/slideshow/embed_code/33898826" title="Ancient Egypt's Art Treasures" width="627
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