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موضوع بعنوان :Learn English through listeninh and reading
الكاتب :Galal Hasanin

Learn English through listeninh and reading
Note: First listen to the attached MP3 file and try to guess the general meaning of the passage then read to guess the whole meaning.
اولا استمع الي الملف ثم انتقل الي القراءة

Around half of the area of the UK is being opened up for exploration. But there's expected to be particular interest in the north of England, which is thought to contain enough shale gas to power Britain for decades.
The licensing round is intended to accelerate the exploitation of shale, but it's only the first step. Firms also need a series of planning, environmental and health and safety consents.
While the government hopes the industry will generate jobs and reduce our dependency on imported gas, it will not be at any cost. The government is tightening the rules around drilling in National Parks. Fracking will not be banned, but it's likely to be permitted only in exceptional circumstances.

a kind of rock made of thin layers which can break easily [spoiler=المعني بالعربي]صخور هشة[/spoiler] shale
increase the speed of [spoiler=المعني بالعربي]يسرع[/spoiler] accelerate
permissions or agreements [spoiler=المعني بالعربي]اتفاقيات[/spoiler] consents
a situation in which you need something or someone [spoiler=المعني بالعربي]اعتماد[/spoiler] dependency
making the rules stricter [spoiler=المعني بالعربي]تجعل القوانين اكثر صرامة[/spoiler]
officially forbidden [spoiler=المعني بالعربي]ممنوع[/spoiler]
(here) very unusual [spoiler=المعني بالعربي]استثنائية[/spoiler]
tightening the rules

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